Sometimes traveling is all about enjoyment. Vacation. Checking out. Removing yourself from the rat race. Other times, there are ways to make travel and work coincide. In those cases, there are definitely instances of good, bad, and ugly. So, thinking about things ahead of time when you’re going to travel is always a good idea, and thinking about things specifically as related to work can be very important as well.
So what are some examples of these good, bad, and ugly consequences? In terms of good, what if you are traveling to find your dream job? What if your happy existence means that you live in the place that you love, and you find a way to work there as well? Think about how awesome it would be to have your dream job in a tropical location.
As far as the bad goes, if you travel somewhere for work, there is the possibility of inconsistency or lack of opportunity. You may be used to a certain employment rate where you’re from. What happens if that employment rate is not available in the country that you move to? And then there is the ugly. If you try to work while you’re traveling, what happens if you are injured or if you have to bring a lawsuit up? That is a whole can of worms.
Traveling for Your Dream Job
You may be one of those lucky people that finds their dream job while they are traveling. As long as you don’t have any responsibilities back home, why not roll the dice and see if you can make it work at your travel destination? Lots of people have amazing stories about going somewhere as a tourist and then staying there because they found a job that suits them perfectly. It’s tough to tell the likelihood of this happening, but as long as you’re open to the possibility, maybe it’s exactly what you need in your life.
Possibility of Inconsistency
Just because you want to work somewhere that you go, doesn’t mean that your desire will happen in reality. For example, if you approach a trip to Mexico from the perspective that you will immediately find a job that pays all your bills, you may be seriously disappointed to find out that this possibility does not exist. Traveling somewhere and then finding out there is a job to suit you is much easier than going somewhere assuming that you are employable in the manner that you need.
The Potential for Harm and Lawsuits
Things can get ugly if you try working while traveling as well. For example, maybe you like the idea of working on a ship while traveling. That’s an exciting job, right? But what happens if you run into a situation where you are injured while you’re working on this boat? Do you know how complicated it can be to claim unseaworthiness for a ship? Just be sure if you want to work while traveling that you understand some of the risks involved before signing any contracts.
Originally posted on June 30, 2021 @ 1:02 pm